The interview with Itoi continues on. In this section, we will introduce Itoi's favorite "croquette rolls", which he snuck into the game.

Lucas and ClausCroquette rolls that Itoi swears by

Delicious croquette rolls in Kichijoji
- In MOTHER 2, there was a sign that said "MOTHER 3 in development," but is there a statement from development this time around, too?
Itoi   Yeah. It's in a conversation on the second floor of the inn in Chapter 2. It's like, "Can I have this onigiri?" "Sure, go ahead." (laughs) That conversation happened every day during development. It was a terribly symbolic conversation. (laughs) There's a shopping center called RonRon in the train station at Kichijoji, and I went there every day to buy onigiri.
- The development company Brownie Brown is in Kichijoji in the Tokyo district, right?
Itoi   Yeah. But in our team, there was this guy who was so financially conservative, he was conservative even for a conservative. The whole time, even though there were all different kinds of food for sale, he would absolutely, positively not go anywhere except one of two corner stores to buy onigiri. When we would pass by, he would be there, without fail. (laughs)
- (laughs)
Itoi   And when we thought he wasn't there that day, he would just be in the other onigiri place.
- I hear you found some croquette rolls in Kichijoji that you're really fond of.
Itoi   Man would I love to eat some of those croquette rolls right about now.
- It's that good?
Conversation at the Inn
Is this Itoi speaking at the inn?

Itoi   Yeah. The outside is crunchy, but the inside is so soft. It always tastes freshly-made, and it's soooo good! It's in that RonRon department store. I wanna eat some now! The name of the shop is Antendo. An-ten-do, get it? (laughs) Actually, last summer, I was in the hospital to undergo some pretty major surgery. So while I was healing, I was asked, "what would you like to eat?" Well, hospital food stinks, so I said, (starts to act out labored breathing) "In Kichijoji...... there is a place... called Nakabayashi...... go to this Nakabayashi... and... buy some......croquette rolls..." (laughs)
(both break out into laughter)
- It's that good, huh? (laughs)
Itoi   It is to me what MOTHER 2 is to the fans. I would just like to say: there is no other croquette bread that surpasses it. (laughs) Croquette Bread
Antendo has the MOTHER of all croquette rolls! It was absolutely delicious~! The rolls are laid out beneath this round sign at noon and 4 P.M. daily.

Lucas and Claus Beachcombing and the dolphin ear bone

A fisherman's protective charm
- What's up with that dolphin ear bone that you can pick up all over the beach?
Itoi   I actually have a dolphin ear bone pendant of my own. When a dolphin dies, it floats among the waves for a long time, and while all kinds of its bones start to gradually melt away, only the bone in the inside of its ear comes to the surface of the shore without melting. There's this thing called beachcombing, and something you can pick up from that is a dolphin's ear bone. It's a sort of protective charm for fisherman, surfers, and people who wish to return to the area. When I heard about that, I thought it was really nice and I bought one for myself. It made me happy, and there was a time when it hung around my neck, so I decided to put it in the game.
Dolphin ear bones are for sale online at this Japanese website: (

The octopus Ocho loves beachcombing. Wasn't Bronson doing it, too?

This is the end of Mr. Itoi's stories about MOTHER 3 WORLD.
We hope that Itoi's fun and playful stories behind the world of MOTHER 3 will serve you well the next time you go play on The Island. Thank you for reading! Give my regards to the next frog you meet.